Jan Albert Buiskool M.D.

I am
Med. doc. /driving instructor for disabled.
Carriage fan, (carpenter, painter), amateur painter,
singer, pianist
member literature club (chambre rhetorique)

website developper
Stop it, that's enough.

(This is not my home, but the holiday-home of the family)

 Fields of interest

Sicke Benninghestede

At this moment I am:  

Favorite Links

Vindicat atque Polit, student club
St Petersburg
The Hindu (krant)
Calcutta online (idem)
Suriname homepage
Nationaal rijtuig museum
Black Swamp driving club, Ohio,  
Goshen Mennonite university

Interesting personal sites:

Jan Zegeren, diabetes links, Samoyeden
Marco Pattipawaej, MIDI arrangementen
Rick van Dyk, Australië, midi files, paintings
Simon van der Geest, Texel; midi en gitaar
Brenny Hansma, Quad rugby en autoraces
Nuno Alegre, Portugal, koetsenrestauratie
Supratim Sanyal VS / Calcutta
Vikram Pant, VS / New Delhi

paintings (by me) of my uncles / grandparents farm, "Feitsmastate", now broken down

You can reach me by e-mail at: J.A.Buiskool@iaf.nl

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